Working stats require your full attention and a good set of eyes with a good view at all times during a bout. With the help of my senior NSOs Bookslinger and TaraByte, I submitted a roller derby resume to the Bay Area Derby Girls as a candidate for NSOing for their three-day Golden Bowl Tournament against Windy City, Texas, and Detroit. I was not contacted, but I ended up being inducted into Allyaz Stoned's Golden Bowl Stats Team.
There are two statistics we take: Actions and Errors. I've only done actions once at a scrimmage, and I had no idea what I was doing except to follow the instructions of the spotter. Actions and Errors teams usually come in two's: a Spotter (the watcher of the rollergirls in a bout) and the Recorder (the... recorder with pencil and paper). Obviously with my experience, it is best that I take on the role of a Recorder.
Of all other officials, stats people get to watch the bout. For the first time in a while, I got to see the game while working. Usually all the other NSO positions require detail to a specific duty, and you would not be doing your job if you tried to watch the bout as a whole. All the bouts I've been to since this season have been as an NSO, never just watching for the fun of it. Don't get me wrong - NSOing is fun, but I miss a lot of the juicy stuff. We had unobstructed view of all the referees, NSOs, skaters, and coaches. I was able to pick up some do's and don't's from my colleagues, enhancing my roller derby experience.
The stats team was fun. I got to watch some high caliber roller derby as well as help out the sport as a whole. Too bad I missed obtaining some swag, especially the Golden Bowl tee, but there will be more tournies in the future.